
Mantine uses open-color in default theme with some additions. Each color has 10 shades.

Colors are exposed on the theme object as an array of strings, you can access color shade by color name and index (0-9), colors with larger index are darker:[5];

Colors are also exposed as CSS variables:


Adding extra colors

You can add any number of extra colors to theme.colors object. This will allow you to use them in all components that support color prop, for example Button, Badge and Switch.

import { Group, Button, MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        colors: {
          'ocean-blue': ['#7AD1DD', '#5FCCDB', '#44CADC', '#2AC9DE', '#1AC2D9', '#11B7CD', '#09ADC3', '#0E99AC', '#128797', '#147885'],
          'bright-pink': ['#F0BBDD', '#ED9BCF', '#EC7CC3', '#ED5DB8', '#F13EAF', '#F71FA7', '#FF00A1', '#E00890', '#C50E82', '#AD1374'],
        <Button>Primary button</Button>
        <Button color="blue">Blue button</Button>

10 shades per color

Colors override must include at least 10 shades per color. Otherwise, you will get a TypeScript error and some variants will not have proper colors. If you only have one color value, you can either pick the remaining colors manually or use the colors generator tool.

You can add more than 10 shades per color: these values will not be used by Mantine components with the default colors resolver, but you can still reference them by index, for example, color="blue.11".


theme.primaryColor is a key of theme.colors, it is used:

  • As a default value for most of the components that support color prop
  • To set default focus ring outline color
import { Group, Button, MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        primaryColor: 'bright-pink',
        colors: {
          'bright-pink': ['#F0BBDD', '#ED9BCF', '#EC7CC3', '#ED5DB8', '#F13EAF', '#F71FA7', '#FF00A1', '#E00890', '#C50E82', '#AD1374'],
        <Button>Primary button</Button>
        <Button color="blue">Blue button</Button>

CSS color values at theme.primaryColor

Value of theme.primaryColor must be a key of theme.colors object. For example, blue, orange or green. You cannot assign CSS color values, for example, the following code will throw an error during theme merging:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        primaryColor: '#CEFEDC', // This will throw an error
      <App />


theme.primaryShade is a number from 0 to 9. It determines which shade will be used for the components that have color prop.

Primary shade
import { MantineProvider, Button, Group } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <MantineProvider theme={{ primaryShade: 6 }}>
        <Button variant="light">Light</Button>
        <Button variant="outline">Outline</Button>

You can also customize primary shade for dark and light color schemes separately:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <MantineProvider theme={{ primaryShade: { light: 6, dark: 8 } }}>
      <App />

Color prop

Components that support changing their color have color prop. This prop supports the following values:

  • Key of theme.colors, for example, blue or green
  • Key of theme.colors with color index, for example, blue.5 or green.9
  • CSS color value, for example, #fff or rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)

Filled variant

Light variant

Outline variant

import { Group, Button, Text } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Text size="sm" mb={5} fw={500}>
        Filled variant
        <Button color="cyan">Theme color</Button>
        <Button color="#1D72FE">Hex color</Button>

      <Text size="sm" mb={5} mt="md" fw={500}>
        Light variant
        <Button variant="light" color="cyan">
          Theme color
        <Button variant="light" color="#1D72FE">
          Hex color

      <Text size="sm" mb={5} mt="md" fw={500}>
        Outline variant
        <Button variant="outline" color="cyan">
          Theme color
        <Button variant="outline" color="#1D72FE">
          Hex color

Colors index reference

You can reference colors by index in color prop and style props, for example c prop:

Text with blue.6 color

import { Button, Text } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Text c="blue.6">Text with blue.6 color</Text>
      <Button color="cyan.6">Button</Button>

Difference between color and c props

color prop is used to control multiple CSS properties of the component. These properties can vary across different components, but usually color prop controls background, color and border-color CSS properties. For example, when you set color="#C3FF36" on Button component (with variant="filled"), it will set the following CSS properties:

  • background-color to #C3FF36
  • background-color when button is hovered to #B0E631 (#C3FF36 darkened by 10%)
  • color to var(--mantine-color-white)
  • border-color to transparent

c is a style prop – it is responsible for setting a single CSS property color (color of the text). You can combine both props to achieve better contrast between text and background. In the following example:

  • color prop sets all background: #C3FF36 and color: var(--mantine-color-white)
  • c prop overrides color styles to color: var(--mantine-color-black)
import { Button } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Button color="#C3FF36" c="black">
      Button with color and c props

Colors variant resolver

theme.variantColorResolver is a function that is used to determine which colors will be used in different variants in the following components: Alert, Avatar, Button, Badge and ActionIcon.

It accepts an object argument with the following properties:

interface VariantColorsResolverInput {
  /** `color` prop passed to component */
  color: MantineColor | undefined;

  /** `variant` prop passed to component */
  variant: string;

  /** `gradient` prop passed to component, used only for gradient variant by default */
  gradient?: MantineGradient;

  /** Theme object */
  theme: MantineTheme;

theme.variantColorResolver must return an object with the following properties:

interface VariantColorResolverResult {
  background: string;
  hover: string;
  color: string;
  border: string;

You can use theme.variantColorResolver to customize colors handling by default variants or to add new variants support:

import {
} from '@mantine/core';

const variantColorResolver: VariantColorsResolver = (input) => {
  const defaultResolvedColors = defaultVariantColorsResolver(input);
  const parsedColor = parseThemeColor({
    color: input.color || input.theme.primaryColor,
    theme: input.theme,

  // Override some properties for variant
  if (parsedColor.isThemeColor && parsedColor.color === 'lime' && input.variant === 'filled') {
    return { ...defaultResolvedColors, color: 'var(--mantine-color-black)' };

  // Completely override variant
  if (input.variant === 'light') {
    return {
      background: rgba(parsedColor.value, 0.1),
      hover: rgba(parsedColor.value, 0.15),
      border: `${rem(1)} solid ${parsedColor.value}`,
      color: darken(parsedColor.value, 0.1),

  // Add new variants support
  if (input.variant === 'danger') {
    return {
      background: 'var(--mantine-color-red-9)',
      hover: 'var(--mantine-color-red-8)',
      color: 'var(--mantine-color-white)',
      border: 'none',

  return defaultResolvedColors;

function Demo() {
  return (
    <MantineProvider theme={{ variantColorResolver }}>
        <Button color="lime.4" variant="filled">
          Lime filled button

        <Button color="orange" variant="light">
          Orange light button

        <Button variant="danger">Danger button</Button>

Colors generation

You can use colors generator to generate 10 shades of color based on a single value or install @mantine/colors-generator package to generate dynamic colors in your application:

yarn add chroma-js @mantine/colors-generator

The package exports generateColors function that accepts a color value and returns an array of 10 shades. Note that generateColors function works best with darker colors (blue, violet, red) and may produce colors with poor contrast for lighter colors (yellow, teal, orange). Usually, it is better to generate colors in advance to avoid contrast issues.

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
import { generateColors } from '@mantine/colors-generator';

function Demo() {
  return (
        colors: {
          'pale-blue': generateColors('#375EAC'),
      <App />

Default colors

dark 0


dark 1


dark 2


dark 3


dark 4


dark 5


dark 6


dark 7


dark 8


dark 9


gray 0


gray 1


gray 2


gray 3


gray 4


gray 5


gray 6


gray 7


gray 8


gray 9


red 0


red 1


red 2


red 3


red 4


red 5


red 6


red 7


red 8


red 9


pink 0


pink 1


pink 2


pink 3


pink 4


pink 5


pink 6


pink 7


pink 8


pink 9


grape 0


grape 1


grape 2


grape 3


grape 4


grape 5


grape 6


grape 7


grape 8


grape 9


violet 0


violet 1


violet 2


violet 3


violet 4


violet 5


violet 6


violet 7


violet 8


violet 9


indigo 0


indigo 1


indigo 2


indigo 3


indigo 4


indigo 5


indigo 6


indigo 7


indigo 8


indigo 9


blue 0


blue 1


blue 2


blue 3


blue 4


blue 5


blue 6


blue 7


blue 8


blue 9


cyan 0


cyan 1


cyan 2


cyan 3


cyan 4


cyan 5


cyan 6


cyan 7


cyan 8


cyan 9


teal 0


teal 1


teal 2


teal 3


teal 4


teal 5


teal 6


teal 7


teal 8


teal 9


green 0


green 1


green 2


green 3


green 4


green 5


green 6


green 7


green 8


green 9


lime 0


lime 1


lime 2


lime 3


lime 4


lime 5


lime 6


lime 7


lime 8


lime 9


yellow 0


yellow 1


yellow 2


yellow 3


yellow 4


yellow 5


yellow 6


yellow 7


yellow 8


yellow 9


orange 0


orange 1


orange 2


orange 3


orange 4


orange 5


orange 6


orange 7


orange 8


orange 9
