rem, em and px units

rem units

All Mantine components use rem units to apply size styles (margin, padding, width, etc.). By default, 1rem is considered to be 16px as it is a default setting in most browsers. All components scale based on the user's browser font-size settings or font-size of html/:root.

import { Slider } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      onChange={(value) => { = `${value}%`;

rem units scaling

If you want to change font-size of :root/html element and preserve Mantine components sizes, set scale on theme to the value of 1 / htmlFontSize.

For example, if you set html font-size to 10px and want to scale Mantine components accordingly, you need to set scale to 1 / (10 / 16) (16 – default font-size) = 1 / 0.625 = 1.6:

:root {
  font-size: 10px;
import { MantineProvider, createTheme } from '@mantine/core';

const theme = createTheme({
  scale: 1.6,

function Demo() {
  return (
    <MantineProvider theme={theme}>
      <App />

em units

em units are used in media queries the same way as rem units, but they are not affected by font-size specified on html/:root element. 1em is considered to be 16px.

px conversions

You can use numbers in some Mantine components props. Numbers are treated as px and converted to rem, for example:

import { ColorSwatch } from '@mantine/core';

function DemoPx() {
  // Specify ColorSwatch size in px, it will be automatically converted to rem
  // Width and height of ColorSwatch in this case will be 32px / 16 = 2rem
  return <ColorSwatch color="#000" size={32} />;

function DemoRem() {
  // This demo will have the same size as previous one
  return <ColorSwatch color="#000" size="2rem" />;

The same conversion happens in style props:

import { Box } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  // width: calc(2rem * var(--mantine-scale))
  // height: calc(1rem * var(--mantine-scale))
  return <Box w={32} h={16} />;

rem and em function

@mantine/core package exports rem and em function that can be used to convert px into rem/em:

import { rem, em } from '@mantine/core';

// numbers and values in px are converted to rem
rem(32); // -> calc(2rem * var(--mantine-scale))
em(32); // -> 2em
rem('16px'); // -> calc(1rem * var(--mantine-scale))
em('16px'); // -> 1em

rem('2rem'); // -> calc(2rem * var(--mantine-scale))
em('2rem'); // -> 2rem

rem('50%'); // -> 50%
em('50%'); // -> 50%

rem('5vh'); // -> 5vh
em('5vh'); // -> 5vh

Convert rem to px

To convert rem/em to px use px function exported from @mantine/core:

import { px } from '@mantine/core';

px('2rem'); // -> 32
px('10rem'); // -> 160

rem/em functions in css files

You can use rem and em function in css files if postcss-preset-mantine is installed:

.demo {
  font-size: rem(16px);

  @media (min-width: em(320px)) {
    font-size: rem(32px);