Mantine PostCSS preset
provides several CSS functions and mixins to help you write styles.
It is not required to use it, but highly recommended. All demos that feature styles
assume that you have this preset installed.
includes the following PostCSS plugins:
- postcss-nested
- postcss-mixins with Mantine specific mixins
- Custom plugin with
Install postcss-preset-mantine
as a dev dependency:
Note that setting up PostCSS may be different depending on your build tool/framework, check
a dedicated framework guide to learn more.
Add postcss-preset-mantine
to your postcss.config.js
file (usually it is located in the root of your project):
All done! You can now use all the features of the preset.
rem/em functions
and em
functions can be used to convert pixels to rem/em units.
16px = 1rem
and 16px = 1em
, em
values are supposed to be used in media queries,
everywhere else. You can learn more about units conversions in this guide.
Will be transformed to:
dark and light mixins
and light
mixins can be used to create styles that will be applied only in dark or light color scheme.
Will be transformed to:
Note that usually you do not need to use both light
and dark
mixins at the same time.
It is easier to define styles for light color scheme and then use dark
mixin to override them in dark color scheme.
light-dark function
function is an alternative to light
and dark
mixins. It accepts two arguments:
first argument is rule that will be applied in light color scheme, second argument is rule that will be applied in dark color scheme.
Will be transformed to:
hover mixin
mixin can be used to create styles that will be applied on hover.
Will be transformed to:
rtl mixin
mixin can be used to create styles that will be applied when dir="rtl"
is set on parent element (usually <html />
Will be transformed to: