Color functions

@mantine/core package exports several functions that can be used to manipulate colors or extract information before using them as CSS value.

darken and lighten

darken and lighten functions can be used to manipulate color brightness, they accept color in any format as first argument and the amount of lightness to add/remove as second argument.

import { darken, lighten } from '@mantine/core';

lighten('#228BE6', 0.1); // lighten by 10%
// -> rgba(56, 151, 233, 1)

darken('rgb(245, 159, 0)', 0.5); // darken by 50%
// -> rgba(123, 80, 0, 1)

darken('rgba(245, 159, 0, .3)', 0.5); // darken by 50%
// -> rgba(123, 80, 0, 1, .3)


rgba function converts color to rgba format with a given alpha channel, it is usually used to make colors more transparent:

rgba('#4578FC', 0.45); // -> rgba(69, 120, 252, 0.45)


parseThemeColor function returns information about a given color in the following format:

interface ParseThemeColorResult {
   * True if given color is theme color, for example
   * `blue`, `orange.9`, `pink.3` are theme colors
   * `#fff`, `rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)` are not
  isThemeColor: boolean;

   * Key of `theme.colors` if given color is theme color, for example
   * if given color is `blue` it will be `blue`,
   * if given color is `orange.9` it will be `orange`
  color: string;

   * Resolved color value, for example
   * if given color is `blue.7` it will be value of `[7]`,
   * if given color is `#fff` it will be `#fff`
  value: string;

   * If given color is theme color, this will be shade of that color
   * for example if given color is `blue.7` it will be `7`,
   * if given color does not have index or is not theme color then it will be `undefined`
  shade: MantineColorShade | undefined;

   * Color CSS variable, for example
   * `blue.7` – `--mantine-color-blue-7`,
   * `red` – `--mantine-color-red-filled`,
   * `white` – `--mantine-color-white`
   * `#fff` – `undefined`
  variable: CssVariable | undefined;

parseThemeColor function can be used everywhere theme object is available, for example in CSS variables resolver, variant color resolver or component body:

import { parseThemeColor, useMantineTheme, MantineColor } from '@mantine/core';

interface DemoProps {
  color: MantineColor;

function Demo({ color }: DemoProps) {
  const theme = useMantineTheme();
  const parsedColor = parseThemeColor({ color, theme });

  return (
        backgroundColor: parsedColor.isThemeColor
          ? `var(${parsedColor.variable})`
          : parsedColor.value,


getThemeColor is a simpler version of parseThemeColor function, it accepts a color string as first argument and theme object as second argument. It returns parsed color value or CSS variable:

import { getThemeColor, useMantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const theme = useMantineTheme();

  getThemeColor('blue', theme); // -> var(--mantine-color-blue-filled)
  getThemeColor('blue.7', theme); // -> var(--mantine-color-blue-7)
  getThemeColor('white', theme); // -> var(--mantine-color-white)
  getThemeColor('#DF78E4', theme); // -> #DF78E4


getGradient function transforms given MantineGradient object to CSS gradient string:

import { getGradient, useMantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const theme = useMantineTheme();

  getGradient({ deg: 180, from: 'blue', to: 'cyan.7' }, theme);
  // -> `linear-gradient(180deg, var(--mantine-color-blue-filled) 0%, var(--mantine-color-cyan-7) 100%)`


isLightColor function can be used to achieve better contrast between text and background:

import { isLightColor, Box } from '@mantine/core';

interface DemoProps {
  color: string;

export function Demo({ color }: DemoProps) {
  return (
    <Box bg={color} c={isLightColor(color) ? 'black' : 'white'}>
      Box with contrast text