
Command center for your application



yarn add @mantine/spotlight

After installation import package styles at the root of your application:

import '@mantine/spotlight/styles.css';


Spotlight component can be used as a search or as a command center of your application. It is used as a search on website, you can trigger it with Ctrl + K shortcut. Spotlight is based on Modal component and supports most of its props.

import { rem, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { Spotlight, SpotlightActionData, spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';
import { IconHome, IconDashboard, IconFileText, IconSearch } from '@tabler/icons-react';

const actions: SpotlightActionData[] = [
    id: 'home',
    label: 'Home',
    description: 'Get to home page',
    onClick: () => console.log('Home'),
    leftSection: <IconHome style={{ width: rem(24), height: rem(24) }} stroke={1.5} />,
    id: 'dashboard',
    label: 'Dashboard',
    description: 'Get full information about current system status',
    onClick: () => console.log('Dashboard'),
    leftSection: <IconDashboard style={{ width: rem(24), height: rem(24) }} stroke={1.5} />,
    id: 'documentation',
    label: 'Documentation',
    description: 'Visit documentation to lean more about all features',
    onClick: () => console.log('Documentation'),
    leftSection: <IconFileText style={{ width: rem(24), height: rem(24) }} stroke={1.5} />,

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Button onClick={}>Open spotlight</Button>
        nothingFound="Nothing found..."
          leftSection: <IconSearch style={{ width: rem(20), height: rem(20) }} stroke={1.5} />,
          placeholder: 'Search...',


@mantine/spotlight package exports an object with actions that can be used to control the spotlight:

import { spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';; // -> opens spotlight
spotlight.close(); // -> closes spotlight
spotlight.toggle(); // -> toggles spotlight opened state

These actions can be passed to event listeners or used anywhere in your application (not limited to React components):

import { spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';
import { Button } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return <Button onClick={}>Open spotlight</Button>;

You can also import actions directly from the @mantine/spotlight package, if you prefer this syntax:

import { openSpotlight, closeSpotlight, toggleSpotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';

openSpotlight(); // same as
closeSpotlight(); // same as spotlight.close()
toggleSpotlight(); // same as spotlight.toggle()

Spotlight store

spotlight object documented above uses the default store, it works fine if you have only one spotlight in your application. In case you need multiple spotlights, you need to create your own store for each of them:

import { Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { createSpotlight, Spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';

// You can import `firstSpotlight` and `secondSpotlight` anywhere
// in your application and use `open`, `close` and `toggle` actions
// to control spotlight the same way as with default `spotlight` object
export const [firstStore, firstSpotlight] = createSpotlight();
export const [secondStore, secondSpotlight] = createSpotlight();

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Button onClick={}>Open first spotlight</Button>
      <Button onClick={}>Open second spotlight</Button>

      <Spotlight store={firstStore} actions={[]} />
      <Spotlight store={secondStore} actions={[]} />

Keyboard shortcuts

Spotlight uses use-hotkeys hook to handle keyboard shortcuts. By default, Ctrl + K and Cmd + K shortcuts are used to open spotlight, you can change them with shortcut prop:

import { Spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';

function SingleShortcut() {
  return <Spotlight shortcut="mod + J" actions={[]} />;

// Same as on
function MultipleShortcuts() {
  return <Spotlight shortcut={['mod + K', 'mod + P', '/']} actions={[]} />;

// Disable shortcut
function NoShortcut() {
  return <Spotlight shortcut={null} actions={[]} />;

Limit prop

Use limit prop to limit the maximum number of actions that can be displayed at a time. Usually, 5–7 actions is a good number. limit prop is crucial for performance in case you have a lot of actions, it will prevent the spotlight from rendering all of them at once.

The example below renders 3000 actions, but only 7 of them are displayed at a time:

import { rem, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { Spotlight, SpotlightActionData, spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';
import { IconSearch } from '@tabler/icons-react';

const actions: SpotlightActionData[] = Array(3000)
  .map((_, index) => ({
    id: `action-${index}`,
    label: `Action ${index}`,
    description: `Action ${index} description`,

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Button onClick={}>Open spotlight</Button>
        nothingFound="Nothing found..."
          leftSection: <IconSearch style={{ width: rem(20), height: rem(20) }} stroke={1.5} />,
          placeholder: 'Search...',

Scrollable actions list

By default, Spotlight actions list is not scrollable. If you have a lot of actions that you need to display at a time, set scrollable and maxHeight props. Note that there are caveats with both approaches:

  • When the scrollable prop is not set, actions list height is not limited and the spotlight body will grow to fit all actions. This can result in a very long spotlight body that will overflow the viewport. To prevent this, use limit prop to define the maximum number of actions that can be displayed at a time. Usually, 5–7 actions is a good number.
  • When the scrollable prop is set, actions list height will always equal to the value of maxHeight prop (it will not shrink if there are not enough actions to fill the space). When there are more actions than can fit into the list, it will become scrollable. Scrolling logic is handled by ScrollArea component.

In other words, if you want the actions list to shrink, do not set scrollable prop and use limit prop. If you want the actions list to always have a fixed height, set scrollable and maxHeight props.

import { rem, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { Spotlight, SpotlightActionData, spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';
import { IconSearch } from '@tabler/icons-react';

const actions: SpotlightActionData[] = Array(100)
  .map((_, index) => ({
    id: `action-${index}`,
    label: `Action ${index}`,
    description: `Action ${index} description`,

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Button onClick={}>Open spotlight</Button>
        nothingFound="Nothing found..."
          leftSection: <IconSearch style={{ width: rem(20), height: rem(20) }} stroke={1.5} />,
          placeholder: 'Search...',

Actions groups

Spotlight supports actions groups, you can use them to group actions by category:

import { rem, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { Spotlight, SpotlightActionData, SpotlightActionGroupData, spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';
import { IconSearch } from '@tabler/icons-react';

const actions: (SpotlightActionGroupData | SpotlightActionData)[] = [
    group: 'Pages',
    actions: [
      { id: 'home', label: 'Home page', description: 'Where we present the product' },
      { id: 'careers', label: 'Careers page', description: 'Where we list open positions' },
      { id: 'about-us', label: 'About us page', description: 'Where we tell what we do' },

    group: 'Apps',
    actions: [
      { id: 'svg-compressor', label: 'SVG compressor', description: 'Compress SVG images' },
      { id: 'base64', label: 'Base 64 converter', description: 'Convert data to base 64 format' },
      { id: 'fake-data', label: 'Fake data generator', description: 'Lorem ipsum generator' },

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Button onClick={}>Open spotlight</Button>
        nothingFound="Nothing found..."
          leftSection: <IconSearch style={{ width: rem(20), height: rem(20) }} stroke={1.5} />,
          placeholder: 'Search...',

Compound components

If you need more control over spotlight rendering and logic, use compound components. Available components:

  • Spotlight.Root – root component, should be used as a wrapper for all other components, accepts all props to customize logic
  • Spotlight.Search – search input
  • Spotlight.ActionsList – list of actions, required to wrap all actions and actions groups
  • Spotlight.Action – action button
  • Spotlight.ActionsGroup - group of actions
  • Spotlight.Empty – empty state (nothing found)
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Spotlight, spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';
import { Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { IconSearch } from '@tabler/icons-react';

const data = ['Home', 'About us', 'Contacts', 'Blog', 'Careers', 'Terms of service'];

function Demo() {
  const [query, setQuery] = useState('');

  const items = data
    .filter((item) => item.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase().trim()))
    .map((item) => <Spotlight.Action key={item} label={item} />);

  return (
      <Button onClick={}>Open spotlight</Button>

      <Spotlight.Root query={query} onQueryChange={setQuery}>
        <Spotlight.Search placeholder="Search..." leftSection={<IconSearch stroke={1.5} />} />
          {items.length > 0 ? items : <Spotlight.Empty>Nothing found...</Spotlight.Empty>}

For example, with compound components pattern you can customize actions contents:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Spotlight, spotlight } from '@mantine/spotlight';
import { Badge, Button, Center, Group, Text } from '@mantine/core';
import { IconSearch } from '@tabler/icons-react';

const data = [
    image: '',
    title: 'Bender Bending Rodríguez',
    description: 'Fascinated with cooking, though has no sense of taste',
    new: true,

    image: '',
    title: 'Carol Miller',
    description: 'One of the richest people on Earth',
    new: false,
    image: '',
    title: 'Homer Simpson',
    description: 'Overweight, lazy, and often ignorant',
    new: false,
    image: '',
    title: 'Spongebob Squarepants',
    description: 'Not just a sponge',
    new: false,

function Demo() {
  const [query, setQuery] = useState('');

  const items = data
  .filter((item) => item.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase().trim()))
  .map((item) => (
    <Spotlight.Action key={item.title} onClick={() => console.log(item)}>
      <Group wrap="nowrap" w="100%">
        {item.image && (
            <img src={item.image} alt={item.title} width={50} height={50} />

        <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>

          {item.description && (
            <Text opacity={0.6} size="xs">

        { && <Badge variant="default">new</Badge>}

  return (
      <Button onClick={}>Open spotlight</Button>

      <Spotlight.Root query={query} onQueryChange={setQuery}>
        <Spotlight.Search placeholder="Search..." leftSection={<IconSearch stroke={1.5} />} />
          {items.length > 0 ? items : <Spotlight.Empty>Nothing found...</Spotlight.Empty>}

Fixed elements offset

Spotlight component uses react-remove-scroll package to lock scroll. To properly size these elements add a className to them (documentation):

import { RemoveScroll } from '@mantine/core';

// to make "width: 100%"
<div className={RemoveScroll.classNames.fullWidth} />

// to make "right: 0"
<div className={RemoveScroll.classNames.zeroRight} />