
Manages queue of values



use-queue limits the number of data in current state and places the rest of it in a queue. For example, in @mantine/notifications package number of notifications that is currently displayed is limited and other new notifications are added to the queue and displayed once available space appears.

import { useQueue } from '@mantine/hooks';

const { state, queue, add, update, cleanQueue } = useQueue({
  initialValues: [1],
  limit: 2,

// state -> [1], queue -> []

// When state.length is less that limit, new items are added to state
// state -> [1,2], queue -> []

// When state.length is equal to limit, new items are added to queue
add(3, 4, 5, 6);
// state -> [1,2], queue -> [3,4,5,6]

// Use update function to modify items
update((values) => => item * 3));
// state -> [3,6], queue -> [9,12,15,18]

// If you add or remove items in update function,
// they will be divided between queue and state according to limit
// order is always preserved
update((values) => values.filter((item) => item % 2));
// state -> [3,9], queue -> [15]

// Remove all items from queue
// state -> [3,9], queue -> []

// Remove all items from queue and state
update(() => []);
// state -> [], queue -> []


The hook accepts one argument – a configuration object with keys:

  • initialValues – optional initial values (divided between state and queue according to limit), defaults to empty array
  • limit – maximum number of items that state can include, every next item after the limit is exceeded is put in queue

Return value:

  • state – current state
  • queue – current queue
  • add – add any number of items to state or queue
  • update – apply given function to all items in state and queue, use it to filter, modify or add items
  • cleanQueue – remove all items from the queue

Set item type

By default, the hook will get types information from initialValues automatically:

const q = useQueue({
  limit: 2,
  initialValues: [
    { name: 'Bob', id: 1 },
    { name: 'Alice', id: 2 },

typeof q.state[number]; // -> { name: string; id: number; }

If you do not provide initialValues, pass in type for state item:

const q = useQueue<{ name: string; id: number }>({
  limit: 2,
  initialValues: [],

q.add({ name: 'Bob', id: 1 });


function useQueue<T>(configuration: { initialValues?: T[]; limit: number }): {
  state: T[];
  queue: T[];
  add: (...items: T[]) => void;
  update: (fn: (state: T[]) => T[]) => void;
  cleanQueue: () => void;