
Use localStorage value as react state, sync state across opened tabs



use-local-storage allows using value from the localStorage as react state. The hook works the same way as useState, but also writes the value to the localStorage:

import { useLocalStorage } from '@mantine/hooks';

// The hook will read value from localStorage.getItem('color-scheme')
// If localStorage is not available or value at a given key does not exist
// 'dark' will be assigned to value variable
const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage({ key: 'color-scheme', defaultValue: 'dark' });

// Value is set both to state and localStorage at 'color-scheme'

// You can also use callback like in useState hook to set value
setValue((current) => (current === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'));


Example of a color scheme toggle button that uses use-local-storage hook to store current color scheme in the localStorage:

import { useLocalStorage } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { ActionIcon, ColorScheme } from '@mantine/core';
import { IconSun, IconMoonStars } from '@tabler/icons-react';

function ColorSchemeToggle() {
  const [colorScheme, setColorScheme] = useLocalStorage<ColorScheme>({
    key: 'color-scheme',
    defaultValue: 'light',

  const toggleColorScheme = () =>
    setColorScheme((current) => (current === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'));

  return (
    <ActionIcon onClick={toggleColorScheme}>
      {colorScheme === 'dark' ? <IconSun /> : <IconMoonStars />}

Remove value

Use removeValue callback to clean localStorage/sessionStorage. When value is removed it is reset to defaultValue:

import { useLocalStorage } from '@mantine/hooks';

const [value, setValue, removeValue] = useLocalStorage({
  key: 'color-scheme',
  defaultValue: 'light',

Browser tabs synchronization

use-local-storage subscribes to storage event. When state changes in one tab, it automatically updates the value in all other opened browser tabs. You can test this feature by opening 2 tabs with Mantine docs side by side and changing the color scheme (button on the top right or ⌘ + J on MacOS and Ctrl + J on Windows and Linux).

Serialize/deserialize JSON

By default, the hook will serialize/deserialize data with JSON.stringify/JSON.parse. If you need to store data in local storage that cannot be serialized with JSON.stringify – provide your own serialization handlers:

const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage({
  key: 'color-scheme',
  serialize: (value) => {
    /* return value serialized to string */
  deserialize: (localStorageValue) => {
    /* parse localStorage string value and return value */

Usage with superjson

superjson is compatible with JSON.stringify/JSON.parse but works for Date, Map, Set and BigInt:

import superjson from 'superjson';

const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage({
  serialize: superjson.stringify,
  deserialize: (str) => (str === undefined ? defaultValue : superjson.parse(str)),


use-session-storage hook works the same way as use-local-storage hook but uses sessionStorage instead of window.localStorage:

import { useSessionStorage } from '@mantine/hooks';

const [value, setValue] = useSessionStorage({ key: 'session-key', defaultValue: 'mantine' });


interface UseLocalStorage<T> {
  /** Local storage key */
  key: string;

  /** Default value that will be set if value is not found in local storage */
  defaultValue?: T;

  /** If set to true, value will be updated in useEffect after mount */
  getInitialValueInEffect: boolean;

  /** Function to serialize value into a string to be saved in local storage */
  serialize?(value: T): string;

  /** Function to deserialize string value from local storage to value */
  deserialize?(value: string): T;

function useLocalStorage<T = string>({
}: UseLocalStorage<T>): readonly [
  T, // current value
  (val: T | ((prevState: T) => T)) => void, // callback to set value in storage
  () => void // callback to remove value from storage

Set value type

You can specify value type same as in useState hook:

const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage<'dark' | 'light'>({
  key: 'color-scheme',
  defaultValue: 'light',