
Traps focus inside given node



use-focus-trap traps focus at the given node, for example in modal, drawer or menu. Node must include at least one focusable element. When the node unmounts, the focus trap is automatically released.

import { useFocusTrap } from '@mantine/hooks';

function Demo() {
  const focusTrapRef = useFocusTrap();

  return (
    <div ref={focusTrapRef}>
      <input />


The hook accepts focus trap active state as a single argument:

useFocusTrap(); // -> focus trap inactive
useFocusTrap(true); // -> focus trap active

useFocusTrap(false); // -> focus trap disabled

The hook returns ref that should be passed to the element:

const focusTrapRef = useFocusTrap();

// With regular element:
<div ref={focusTrapRef} />

// With Mantine component:
<Paper ref={focusTrapRef} />

Combine with other ref based hooks

To combine use-focus-trap with other ref based hooks, use use-merged-ref hook:

import { useRef } from 'react';
import { useClickOutside, useFocusTrap, useMergedRef } from '@mantine/hooks';

function Demo() {
  const myRef = useRef();
  const useClickOutsideRef = useClickOutside(() => {});
  const focusTrapRef = useFocusTrap();
  const mergedRef = useMergedRef(myRef, useClickOutsideRef, focusTrapRef);

  return <div ref={mergedRef} />;

Initial focus

By default, focus trap will move focus to the first interactive element. To specify the element that should receive initial focus, add data-autofocus attribute:

import { useFocusTrap } from '@mantine/hooks';

function Demo() {
  const focusTrapRef = useFocusTrap();

  return (
    <div ref={focusTrapRef}>
      <input />
      {/* Second input in modal will have initial focus */}
      <input data-autofocus />
      <input />


function useFocusTrap(active?: boolean): (instance: HTMLElement) => void;