
Capture a list of values from user with free input and suggestions


Made with Combobox

TagsInput is an opinionated component built on top of Combobox component. It has a limited set of features to cover only the basic use cases. If you need more advanced features, you can build your own component with Combobox. You can find examples of custom tags input components on the examples page.


TagsInput provides a way to enter multiple values. It can be used with suggestions or without them. TagsInput is similar to MultiSelect, but it allows entering custom values.

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return <TagsInput label="Press Enter to submit a tag" placeholder="Enter tag" />;


TagsInput value must be an array of strings, other types are not supported. onChange function is called with an array of strings as a single argument.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState<string[]>([]);
  return <TagsInput data={[]} value={value} onChange={setValue} />;

Max selected values

You can limit the number of selected values with maxTags prop. This will not allow adding more values once the limit is reached.

Add up to 3 tags

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Press Enter to submit a tag"
      description="Add up to 3 tags"
      placeholder="Enter tag"
      defaultValue={['first', 'second']}

Allow duplicates

By default TagsInput does not allow to add duplicate values, but you can change this behavior by setting allowDuplicates prop. Value is considered duplicate if it is already present in the value array, regardless of the case and trailing whitespace.

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Press Enter to submit a tag"
      placeholder="Duplicates are allowed"

Split chars

By default, TagsInput splits values by comma (,), you can change this behavior by setting splitChars prop to an array of strings. All values from splitChars cannot be included in the final value. Values are also splitted on paste.

Example of splitting by ,, | and space:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Press Enter to submit a tag"
      placeholder="Enter tag"
      splitChars={[',', ' ', '|']}

With suggestions

TagsInput can be used with suggestions, it will render suggestions list under input and allow to select suggestions with keyboard or mouse. Note that user is not limited to suggestions, it is still possible to enter custom values. If you want to allow values only from suggestions, use MultiSelect component instead.

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Press Enter to submit a tag"
      placeholder="Pick tag from list"
      data={['React', 'Angular', 'Svelte']}

Data formats

TagsInput data prop accepts data in one of the following formats:

Array of strings:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
  return <TagsInput data={['React', 'Angular']} />;

Array of object with value, label and optional disabled keys:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        { value: 'react', label: 'React' },
        { value: 'ng', label: 'Angular' },

Array of groups with string options:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        { group: 'Frontend', items: ['React', 'Angular'] },
        { group: 'Backend', items: ['Express', 'Django'] },

Array of groups with object options:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        { group: 'Frontend', items: [{ value: 'react', label: 'React' }, { value: 'ng', label: 'Angular' }] },
        { group: 'Backend', items: [{ value: 'express', label: 'Express' }, { value: 'django', label: 'Django' }] },

Options filtering

By default, TagsInput filters options by checking if the option label contains input value. You can change this behavior with filter prop.filter function receives an object with the following properties as a single argument:
  • options – array of options or options groups, all options are in { value: string; label: string; disabled?: boolean } format
  • search – current search query
  • limit – value of limit prop passed to TagsInput

Example of a custom filter function that matches options by words instead of letters sequence:

import { TagsInput, ComboboxItem, OptionsFilter } from '@mantine/core';

const optionsFilter: OptionsFilter = ({ options, search }) => {
  const splittedSearch = search.toLowerCase().trim().split(' ');
  return (options as ComboboxItem[]).filter((option) => {
    const words = option.label.toLowerCase().trim().split(' ');
    return splittedSearch.every((searchWord) => words.some((word) => word.includes(searchWord)));

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="What countries have you visited?"
      placeholder="Pick value or enter anything"
      data={['Great Britain', 'Russian Federation', 'United States']}

Sort options

By default, options are sorted by their position in the data array. You can change this behavior with filter function:

import { TagsInput, ComboboxItem, OptionsFilter } from '@mantine/core';

const optionsFilter: OptionsFilter = ({ options, search }) => {
  const filtered = (options as ComboboxItem[]).filter((option) =>

  filtered.sort((a, b) => a.label.localeCompare(b.label));
  return filtered;

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Your favorite libraries"
      placeholder="Pick value or enter anything"
      data={['4React', '1Angular', '3Vue', '2Svelte']}

Large data sets

The best strategy for large data sets is to limit the number of options that are rendered at the same time. You can do it with limit prop. Note that if you use a custom filter function, you need to implement your own logic to limit the number of options in filter

Example of TagsInput with 100 000 options, 5 options are rendered at the same time:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

const largeData = Array(100_000)
  .map((_, index) => `Option ${index}`);

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="100 000 options tags input"
      placeholder="Use limit to optimize performance"

Scrollable dropdown

By default, the options list is wrapped with ScrollArea.Autosize. You can control dropdown max-height with maxDropdownHeight prop if you do not change the default settings.

If you want to use native scrollbars, set withScrollArea={false}. Note that in this case, you will need to change dropdown styles with Styles API.

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

const data = Array(100)
  .map((_, index) => `Option ${index}`);

function Demo() {
  return (
        label="With scroll area (default)"
        placeholder="Pick value or enter anything"

        label="With native scroll"
        placeholder="Pick value or enter anything"
        styles={{ dropdown: { maxHeight: 200, overflowY: 'auto' } }}

Group options

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Enter tags"
      placeholder="Enter tags"
        { group: 'Frontend', items: ['React', 'Angular'] },
        { group: 'Backend', items: ['Express', 'Django'] },

Disabled options

When option is disabled, it cannot be selected and is ignored in keyboard navigation. Note that user can still enter disabled option as a value. If you want to prohibit certain values, use controlled component and filter them out in onChange function.

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Enter tags"
      placeholder="Some tags are disabled"
        { value: 'react', label: 'React' },
        { value: 'ng', label: 'Angular' },
        { value: 'vue', label: 'Vue', disabled: true },
        { value: 'svelte', label: 'Svelte', disabled: true },

Combobox props

You can override Combobox props with comboboxProps. It is useful when you need to change some of the props that are not exposed by TagsInput, for example withinPortal:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return <TagsInput comboboxProps={{ withinPortal: false }} data={[]} />;

Input props

TagsInput component supports Input and Input.Wrapper components features and all input element props. TagsInput documentation does not include all features supported by the component – see Input documentation to learn about all available features.

Input description

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Input label"
      description="Input description"
      placeholder="TagsInput placeholder"
      value={['First', 'Second']}
      data={['React', 'Angular', 'Vue', 'Svelte']}

Read only

Set readOnly to make the input read only. When readOnly is set, TagsInput will not show suggestions and will not call onChange function.

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Read only"
      placeholder="Enter tag"
      defaultValue={['First', 'Second']}


Set disabled to disable the input. When disabled is set, user cannot interact with the input and TagsInput will not show suggestions.

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      placeholder="Enter tag"
      defaultValue={['First', 'Second']}

Error state


Invalid name

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        label="Boolean error"
        placeholder="Boolean error"
        defaultValue={['React', 'Angular']}
        label="With error message"
        placeholder="With error message"
        error="Invalid name"
        defaultValue={['React', 'Angular']}

Styles API

TagsInput supports Styles API, you can add styles to any inner element of the component withclassNames prop. Follow Styles API documentation to learn more.



Component Styles API

Hover over selectors to highlight corresponding elements

 * Hover over selectors to apply outline styles

Get element ref

import { useRef } from 'react';
import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const ref = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
  return <TagsInput ref={ref} />;


If TagsInput is used without label prop, it will not be announced properly by screen reader:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

// Inaccessible input – screen reader will not announce it properly
function Demo() {
  return <TagsInput />;

Set aria-label to make the input accessible. In this case label will not be visible, but screen reader will announce it:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

// Accessible input – it has aria-label
function Demo() {
  return <TagsInput aria-label="My input" />;

If label prop is set, input will be accessible it is not required to set aria-label:

import { TagsInput } from '@mantine/core';

// Accessible input – it has associated label element
function Demo() {
  return <TagsInput label="My input" />;