
Card with sections



Card is a wrapper around Paper component with some additional styles and Card.Section component that allows to split card into sections. If you do not need sections, you use Paper component instead.


Norway Fjord Adventures

On Sale

With Fjord Tours you can explore more of the magical fjord landscapes with tours and activities on and around the fjords of Norway

import { Card, Image, Text, Badge, Button, Group } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Card shadow="sm" padding="lg" radius="md" withBorder>

      <Group justify="space-between" mt="md" mb="xs">
        <Text fw={500}>Norway Fjord Adventures</Text>
        <Badge color="pink" variant="light">
          On Sale

      <Text size="sm" c="dimmed">
        With Fjord Tours you can explore more of the magical fjord landscapes with tours and
        activities on and around the fjords of Norway

      <Button variant="light" color="blue" fullWidth mt="md" radius="md">
        Book classic tour now

Polymorphic component

Card is a polymorphic component component, you can change its root element:

import { Card, Image, Text } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
          alt="No way!"

      <Text fw={500} size="lg" mt="md">
        You&apos;ve won a million dollars in cash!

      <Text mt="xs" c="dimmed" size="sm">
        Please click anywhere on this card to claim your reward, this is not a fraud, trust us


Card.Section is a special component that is used to remove Card padding from its children while other elements still have horizontal spacing. Card.Section works the following way:

  • If component is the first child in Card, then it has negative top, left and right margins
  • If it is the last child in Card, then it has negative bottom, left and right margins
  • If it is in the middle then, only the left and right margins will be negative
import { Card } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Card padding="xl">
      {/* top, right, left margins are negative – -1 * theme.spacing.xl */}
      <Card.Section>First section</Card.Section>

      {/* Content that is not inside Card.Section will have theme.spacing.xl spacing on all sides relative to Card */}
      <Text>Some other content</Text>

      {/* right, left margins are negative – -1 * theme.spacing.xl */}
      <Card.Section>Middle section</Card.Section>

      {/* bottom, right, left margins are negative – -1 * theme.spacing.xl */}
      <Card.Section>Last section</Card.Section>

Note that Card relies on mapping direct children and you cannot use fragments or others wrappers for Card.Section:

import { Card } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Card padding="xl">
        <Card.Section>Won't work</Card.Section>

        <Card.Section>Won't work either</Card.Section>

      <Card.Section>Works fine</Card.Section>

Polymorphic Card.Section

Card.Section is a polymorphic component component, you can change its root element:


Norway Fjord Adventures

On Sale

With Fjord Tours you can explore more of the magical fjord landscapes with tours and activities on and around the fjords of Norway

import { Card, Image, Text, Badge, Button, Group } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Card shadow="sm" padding="lg" radius="md" withBorder>
      <Card.Section component="a" href="">

      <Group justify="space-between" mt="md" mb="xs">
        <Text fw={500}>Norway Fjord Adventures</Text>
        <Badge color="pink" variant="light">
          On Sale

      <Text size="sm" c="dimmed">
        With Fjord Tours you can explore more of the magical fjord landscapes with tours and
        activities on and around the fjords of Norway

      <Button variant="light" color="blue" fullWidth mt="md" radius="md">
        Book classic tour now

withBorder and inheritPadding props

  • withBorder prop adds top and bottom border to Card.Section depending on its position relative to other content and sections
  • inheritPadding prop adds the same left and right padding to Card.Section as set in Card component

Review pictures

200+ images uploaded since last visit, review them to select which one should be added to your gallery

import { Card, Group, Text, Menu, ActionIcon, Image, SimpleGrid, rem } from '@mantine/core';
import { IconDots, IconEye, IconFileZip, IconTrash } from '@tabler/icons-react';

const images = [

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Card withBorder shadow="sm" radius="md">
      <Card.Section withBorder inheritPadding py="xs">
        <Group justify="space-between">
          <Text fw={500}>Review pictures</Text>
          <Menu withinPortal position="bottom-end" shadow="sm">
              <ActionIcon variant="subtle" color="gray">
                <IconDots style={{ width: rem(16), height: rem(16) }} />

              <Menu.Item leftSection={<IconFileZip style={{ width: rem(14), height: rem(14) }} />}>
                Download zip
              <Menu.Item leftSection={<IconEye style={{ width: rem(14), height: rem(14) }} />}>
                Preview all
                leftSection={<IconTrash style={{ width: rem(14), height: rem(14) }} />}
                Delete all

      <Text mt="sm" c="dimmed" size="sm">
        <Text span inherit c="var(--mantine-color-anchor)">
          200+ images uploaded
        </Text>{' '}
        since last visit, review them to select which one should be added to your gallery

      <Card.Section mt="sm">
        <Image src="" />

      <Card.Section inheritPadding mt="sm" pb="md">
        <SimpleGrid cols={3}>
          { => (
            <Image src={image} key={image} radius="sm" />