
Responsive shell for your application with header, navbar, aside and footer



This page includes only documentation. Since all associated AppShell components have fixed position, it is not possible to include demos on this page. You can find 10+ examples on this page


AppShell is a layout component. It can be used to implement a common Header – Navbar – Footer – Aside layout pattern. All AppShell components have position: fixed style – they are not scrolled with the page.

Basic AppShell example with header and navbar. Navbar is hidden on mobile by default and toggled with the burger button.

import { useDisclosure } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { AppShell, Burger } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [opened, { toggle }] = useDisclosure();

  return (
      header={{ height: 60 }}
      navbar={{ width: 300, breakpoint: 'sm', collapsed: { mobile: !opened } }}
        <Burger opened={opened} onClick={toggle} hiddenFrom="sm" size="sm" />

      <AppShell.Navbar p="md">Navbar</AppShell.Navbar>



AppShell component accepts, header, footer, navbar and aside props to configure corresponding sections. It is required to set these props if you want to use corresponding components. For example, if you want to use AppShell.Header component, you need to set header prop on the AppShell component.

header and footer configuration objects are the same and have the following properties:

interface Configuration {
  /** Height of the section: number, string or
   ** object with breakpoints as keys and height as value */
  height: AppShellSize | AppShellResponsiveSize;

  /** If section is collapsed,
   ** it is hidden from the viewport and is not offset in AppShell.Main */
  collapsed?: boolean;

  /** Determines whether the section should be offset by the AppShell.Main.
   ** For example, it is useful if you want to
   ** hide header based on the scroll position. */
  offset?: boolean;

navbar and aside configuration objects are the same as well and have the following properties:

interface Configuration {
  /** Width of the section: number, string or
   ** object with breakpoints as keys and width as value */
  width: AppShellSize | AppShellResponsiveSize;

  /** Breakpoint at which section should switch to mobile mode
   ** In mobile mode the section always has 100% width and its
   ** collapsed state is controlled by the ``
   ** instead of `collapsed.desktop` */
  breakpoint: MantineBreakpoint | (string & {}) | number;

  /** Determines whether the section should be collapsed */
  collapsed?: { desktop?: boolean; mobile?: boolean };

layout prop

layout prop controls how AppShell.Header/AppShell.Footer and AppShell.Navbar/AppShell.Aside are positioned relative to each other. It accepts alt and default values:

  • altAppShell.Navbar/AppShell.Aside height is equal to viewport height, AppShell.Header/AppShell.Footer width is equal to viewport width - AppShell.Navbar and AppShell.Aside width (example)
  • defaultAppShell.Navbar/AppShell.Aside height is equal to viewport height - AppShell.Header/AppShell.Footer height, AppShell.Header/AppShell.Footer width is equal to viewport width (example)

Height configuration

height property in header and footer configuration objects works the following way:

  • If you pass a number, the value will be converted to rem and used as height at all viewport sizes.
  • To change height based on viewport width, use object with breakpoints as keys and height as values. It works the same way as style props.


import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// Height is a number, it will be converted to rem
// and used as height at all viewport sizes
function Demo() {
  return (
    <AppShell header={{ height: 48 }}>
import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// Height is an object with breakpoints:
// - height is 48 when viewport width is <
// - height is 60 when viewport width is >= and < theme.breakpoints.lg
// - height is 76 when viewport width is >= theme.breakpoints.lg
function Demo() {
  return (
    <AppShell header={{ height: { base: 48, sm: 60, lg: 76 } }}>

Width configuration

width property in navbar and aside configuration objects works the following way:

  • If you pass a number, the value will be converted to rem and used as width when the viewport is larger than breakpoint.
  • To change width based on viewport width, use object with breakpoints as keys and width as values. It works the same way as style props. Note that width is always 100% when the viewport is smaller than breakpoint.


import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// Width is a number, it will be converted to rem
// and used as width when viewport is larger than
function Demo() {
  return (
    <AppShell navbar={{ width: 48, breakpoint: 'sm' }}>
import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// Width is an object with breakpoints:
// - width is 100% when viewport width is <
// - width is 200 when viewport width is >= and < theme.breakpoints.lg
// - width is 300 when viewport width is >= theme.breakpoints.lg
function Demo() {
  return (
    <AppShell navbar={{ width: { sm: 200, lg: 300 }, breakpoint: 'sm' }}>

padding prop

padding prop controls the padding of the AppShell.Main component. It is important to use it instead of setting padding on the AppShell.Main directly because padding of the AppShell.Main is also used to offset AppShell.Header, AppShell.Navbar, AppShell.Aside and AppShell.Footer components.

padding prop works the same way as style props and accepts numbers, strings and objects with breakpoints as keys and padding as values. You can reference theme.spacing values or use any valid CSS values.

import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// Padding is always
function Demo() {
  return <AppShell padding="md">{/* AppShell content */}</AppShell>;
import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// Padding is:
// - 10 when viewport width is <
// - 15 when viewport width is >= and < theme.breakpoints.lg
// - theme.spacing.xl when viewport width is >= theme.breakpoints.lg
function Demo() {
  return <AppShell padding={{ base: 10, sm: 15, lg: 'xl' }}>{/* AppShell content */}</AppShell>;

Header offset configuration

header prop has offset property which allows removing AppShell.Header offset from AppShell.Main component. It is useful when you want to collapse AppShell.Header based on the scroll position. For example, you can use use-headroom hook to collapse header when user scrolls down and expand it when user scrolls up (example).

import { useHeadroom } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { AppShell, rem } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const pinned = useHeadroom({ fixedAt: 120 });

  return (
    <AppShell header={{ height: 60, collapsed: !pinned, offset: false }} padding="md">

      <AppShell.Main pt={`calc(${rem(60)} + var(--mantine-spacing-md))`}>
        {/* Content */}

Collapsed navbar/aside configuration

navbar and aside props have collapsed property. The property accepts an object { mobile: boolean; desktop: boolean } which allows to configure collapsed state depending on the viewport width.

Example with separate collapsed state for mobile and desktop:

import { useDisclosure } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { AppShell, Button } from '@mantine/core';

export function CollapseDesktop() {
  const [mobileOpened, { toggle: toggleMobile }] = useDisclosure();
  const [desktopOpened, { toggle: toggleDesktop }] = useDisclosure(true);

  return (
      header={{ height: 60 }}
        width: 300,
        breakpoint: 'sm',
        collapsed: { mobile: !mobileOpened, desktop: !desktopOpened },
        <Button onClick={toggleDesktop} visibleFrom="sm">
          Toggle navbar
        <Button onClick={toggleMobile} hiddenFrom="sm">
          Toggle navbar

withBorder prop

withBorder prop is available on AppShell and associated sections: AppShell.Header, AppShell.Navbar, AppShell.Aside and AppShell.Footer. By default, withBorder prop is true – all components have a border on the side that is adjacent to the AppShell.Main component. For example, AppShell.Header is located at the top of the page – it has a border on the bottom side, AppShell.Navbar is located on the left side of the page – it has a border on the right side.

To remove the border from all components, set withBorder={false} on the AppShell:

import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// None of the components will have a border
function Demo() {
  return <AppShell withBorder={false}>{/* AppShell content */}</AppShell>;

To remove the border from a specific component, set withBorder={false} on that component:

import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// AppShell.Header does not have a border
// AppShell.Navbar and AppShell.Aside have a border
function Demo() {
  return (
      <AppShell.Header withBorder={false}>Header</AppShell.Header>

zIndex prop

zIndex prop is available on AppShell and associated sections: AppShell.Header, AppShell.Navbar, AppShell.Aside and AppShell.Footer. By default, all sections z-index is 200.

To change z-index of all sections, set zIndex prop on the AppShell:

import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// All sections will have z-index of 100
function Demo() {
  return <AppShell zIndex={100}>{/* AppShell content */}</AppShell>;

To change z-index of a specific section, set zIndex prop on that section:

import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

// AppShell.Header has z-index of 100
// AppShell.Navbar and AppShell.Aside have z-index of 300
function Demo() {
  return (
      <AppShell.Header zIndex={100}>Header</AppShell.Header>
      <AppShell.Navbar zIndex={300}>Navbar</AppShell.Navbar>
      <AppShell.Aside zIndex={300}>Aside</AppShell.Aside>

Control transitions

Set transitionDuration and transitionTimingFunction props on the AppShell to control transitions:

import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <AppShell transitionDuration={500} transitionTimingFunction="ease">
      {/* AppShell content */}

disabled prop

Set disabled prop on the AppShell to prevent all sections except AppShell.Main from rendering. It is useful when you want to hide the shell on some pages of your application.

import { AppShell } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return <AppShell disabled>{/* AppShell content */}</AppShell>;

Semantic elements

  • AppShell.Header root element is header
  • AppShell.Navbar root element is nav
  • AppShell.Aside root element is aside
  • AppShell.Footer root element is footer
  • AppShell.Main root element is main!important: do not use main element inside AppShell.Main component